I'm Not Receiving Emails from Etsy

There are a few things you can do to help ensure you receive emails from Etsy:

  • Make sure your email address on file is correct.

  • Check your spam/junk folders.

    • If you use Gmail, also check your category tabs, like Social and Promotions, if they’re turned on in your Gmail settings.
  • Add Etsy's email addresses to your address book/safe list:

    • registration@mail.etsy.com (for registration)
    • emails@mail.etsy.com (for confirming your account and Etsy Finds and other newsletters)
    • etsy@mail.etsy.com and mail@etsy.com (for information emails)
    • emails@e.etsy.com (informational emails and other newsletters)
    • transaction@etsy.com (for transaction notices)
    • conversations@mail.etsy.com (for message notifications)
    • lostpassword@mail.etsy.com (for password reset instructions)
    • noreply@etsy.com (for other automated notices like dispatch notifications)
  • If you have multiple email accounts, check any you might have used on Etsy, like a work email.
    • Some Etsy members have more than one Etsy account. Be sure you’re checking the email address for the right account.
    • If you purchased as a guest, you could have used a different email from the one on file with your account.

I didn’t receive my order notification

If you paid for your order with PayPal or Apple Pay, your order receipt may have been sent to the email address used for your PayPal or Apple Pay account.

If you still have trouble, get in touch with Etsy Support.

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