What to Do After You Sell an Item

After you make a sale on Etsy, you can find all of the order details in your account. Etsy also sends a notification to the Etsy Seller app and an email to you at the address you use for your Etsy account. You may want to add transaction@etsy.com to your contacts, so these emails don't go to your spam folder.

To view and manage your orders:

  1. On Etsy.com, select the Your Account icon.
  2. Choose Shop Manager.
  3. Choose Orders & Delivery.

From here, you can sort your orders. All shops will have New and Completed at the top of the page by default.

Use the Sort by dropdown menu to view your orders by:

  • Dispatch by date
  • Destination
  • Newest
  • Oldest

You can also search within your orders using:

  • Listing categories, titles, and variations
  • Buyer name, username, and email
  • Message from buyer
  • Custom orders
  • Coupon codes
  • Any notes you've associated with an order
  • Deliver to name or address
  • Receipt ID
  • Transaction ID
  • SKU

How will I get paid?

Depending on the payment methods you accept in your shop, your payment will be in your Payment account on Etsy, your PayPal account, or will be mailed to the address you have on file.

Learn more about getting paid on Etsy.

Is the sold item removed from my shop?

When the quantity of an item that you listed sells out, it's automatically removed from your shop.

If you have more of the item available, you can renew or copy it to put it back in your shop.

The listing would remain for sale in your shop if you listed a higher quantity than what sold. Learn more about listing a higher quantity.

How do I contact the buyer?

After an item is sold, it’s a good idea to contact the buyer with any important information relating to the purchase or delivery updates. You can send the buyer an email or Message directly through Etsy.

To message a buyer:

  1. On Etsy.com, select the Your Account icon.
  2. Go to your Shop Manager.
  3. Choose Orders & Delivery.
  4. Find the buyer's order and select their name on the top left.
  5. Select Contact to send a new message or select their email address to open a new email on your computer.

How do I dispatch and complete my order?

Creating an effective strategy for fulfilling and dispatching orders will help you streamline the process and save valuable time. There are many tools on Etsy to help you manage delivery. To learn more about delivery, read the Beginners Guide to Delivery.

After you dispatch an order, you can then complete the order:

  1. On Etsy.com, select the Your Account icon.
  2. Choose Shop Manager.
  3. Choose Orders & Delivery. Orders you haven't dispatched are under the Open tab.
  4. Select the timer icon on the right side of the order you dispatched. Then, choose Complete order.
  5. Once you complete an order, it will move to the Completed tab.

When you select Complete order, you'll have the option to set the order’s Dispatch Date and add an optional Note to Buyer, as well as a tracking number and delivery provider for the package. Learn more about completing orders.

After sending a Dispatch Notification, you can’t change the order's completion status.

If you're in the US, Canada, the UK, or Australia, you can purchase and print a postage label directly through Etsy.com. The available delivery companies depend on your location:

Purchasing a postage label on Etsy will automatically complete the order and send a dispatch notification to the buyer on the label’s Dispatch Date.

How buyers leave reviews of your items

After the day an order should have arrived, a buyer can leave a review for a transaction from your shop. Reviews include a rating of 1 to 5 stars as well as a written message from your buyer. These reviews will be publicly visible in your shop.

A buyer can only leave a review if they’re logged into their Etsy account.

If you receive a review that you think violates Etsy’s guidelines, you can report it to Etsy.

Learn more about Etsy’s review system.

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