Using QuickBooks Self-Employed and TurboTax on Etsy

At this time, we’re experiencing a data syncing issue with our QuickBooks integration. We’re working with QuickBooks to resolve this as soon as possible. Learn more.

Sellers in the United States and United Kingdom can integrate all of their shop’s financials directly into QuickBooks Self-Employed. Sellers in the United States also have access to TurboTax.

Because QuickBooks Self-Employed and TurboTax are owned, operated and maintained by Intuit, we suggest reaching out to their support team directly with any questions about their software.

How to sign up

To sign up for QuickBooks Self-Employed or QuickBooks Self-Employed with TurboTax, click here.

Once you create a QuickBooks account, you’ll be asked to connect your Etsy account. You’ll be redirected to Etsy and asked to allow QuickBooks Self-Employed access you to your Etsy account information. Once you click the Allow Access button, your Etsy shop data will begin syncing with QuickBooks Self-Employed. This could take up to five minutes.

Integrating other accounts on QuickBooks Self-Employed

After setting up your QuickBooks Self-Employed account through Etsy, you can include sales and expense data from all of the places you do business including Square, PayPal, and any bank account or credit card you use for business expenses.

If you've linked your Etsy account to QuickBooks Self-Employed, your Etsy Payments orders are considered your Business Income. Any deposits made into a bank account from your payment account are considered a transfer. This categorisation should happen automatically in QuickBooks Self-Employed.

Etsy orders paid for with standalone PayPal will not transfer to your QuickBooks Self-Employed automatically. Sellers with standalone PayPal should make sure to connect their PayPal account to ensure that the data is collected and included. If you purchase postage labels outside of Etsy, we recommend you connect the account you use to make those purchases. Only Etsy Postage Label fees will be included automatically.

Quarterly taxes

Since Etsy sellers are business owners, it’s possible that you’re responsible for paying quarterly estimated taxes. These are due four times a year:

  • 15th January
  • 15th April
  • 15th June
  • 15th September

You can read more about quarterly tax payments on Intuit's Self-Employed Center.

To get an estimate for your quarterly taxes owed, click Taxes → Quarterly Taxes in the left hand navigation on QuickBooks Self-Employed.

Sellers who choose QuickBooks Self-Employed with TurboTax can pay their quarterly taxes directly online by clicking Taxes → Quarterly Taxes in the left hand navigation, then selecting the Pay Online option.




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