There is a 0.20 USD fee for creating or renewing a listing on Etsy. There is no fee for editing a listing. Your fees may vary depending on the quantity of items you list and sell:
- If you decide to list a higher quantity than 1, you'll only be charged for listing the multiple quantities when you sell them.
- Your listing will automatically renew if someone buys a portion of your listing quantity, but some of the quantity is left over. You'll be charged the renewal fee, and your listing will remain for sale in your shop.
- If you sell more than 1 item in an order, you've already been charged for listing that first item. We only charge you 0.20 USD each for the extra quantity you sell.
It's a good idea to list the true quantity of the number of items you have in stock when you create a listing. If you're selling made-to-order items, make sure you only list the number of items you can feasibly create during your production time.
Learn more about seller fees on Etsy.
Examples of Listing Fees
To illustrate how quantity and listing fees work, let's say you sell bowls in your Etsy shop:
What if I list only one bowl?
You'll be charged 0.20 USD when listing your bowl. Listings expire after 4 months. Later, if you choose renew your listing, you’ll be charged a 0.20 USD renewal fee.
What if I list a quantity of four bowls?
You’ll be charged 0.20 USD for the listing. If none of the four bowls sells and your listing expires, it will cost you 0.20 USD to renew the listing.
What if I list a quantity of three bowls and I only sell one before the listing expires?
You’ll be charged 0.20 USD for the listing. When the item sells, the listing will automatically renew because you've still got two left. You'll be charged an additional 0.20 USD auto-renewal fee so that the listing remains for sale in your shop.
What if I list a quantity of ten bowls, and I sell all ten?
When you first list the bowls, you'll be charged 0.20 USD for the listing. When all the bowls in the listing sell, you’ll be charged an additional 1.80 USD (0.20 USD for each additional quantity that was sold).
If you renew the listing with the same quantity of 10, you'll be charged another 0.20 USD.
How the fees appear on your Payment account
Here’s how the fees will appear in your Payment account:
- The original listing fee appears as listing, regardless of the quantity you list.
- If you sell multiple quantities in one transaction, you'll see a multi-quantity fee.
- If your listing has quantity left over, you'll see an auto-renew sold fee.
- Etsy converts listing fees from USD to your Payment account currency at the market rate at the time the listing fee is reflected in your Payment account. This conversion may change if currency exchange rates change.