How Is Revenue in My Shop Stats Calculated?

Revenue in your Shop Stats usually equals your sales minus any discounts you provided to buyers. This total doesn’t factor in selling fees, postage costs or orders that you have fully refunded and cancelled.

Revenue = Sales - Discounts

Learn more about Shop Stats.


How to calculate your Stats Revenue

To calculate your Stats Revenue total, you can download your Orders CSV file:

  1. On, click Shop Manager.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Options.
  4. Click Download Data.
  5. Select Orders as the CSV type.
  6. Select your desired month and/or year. To download an entire year, leave the month blank.
  7. Click Download CSV to save the file to your computer.
  8. Open the Orders CSV file in a compatible programme, such as Microsoft Excel, Google Spreadsheets, Quickbooks, etc.
  9. Using tools in your programme, calculate:
    • The total items costs found in Order Value column.
    • The total item discounts applied to the order found in Discounts Amount column.
  1. Calculate the Order Value minus the Discounts Amount total. This is your Stats Revenue.

If you need assistance with understanding your shop totals, we recommend that you speak with a local professional, especially if it’s tax related. Etsy is unable to provide sellers with tax advice.

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