How to Set Up and Manage an Etsy Ads Campaign

After opening your Etsy shop, there is a 15 day waiting period before you can begin an Etsy Ads campaign. The Etsy Ads dashboard in your Shop Manager shows a daily countdown to when you can start your campaign.

You can use Etsy Ads to advertise your products, in Etsy search results and other pages on Etsy. Set your budget and choose which listings to advertise, and we’ll do the rest. Etsy Ads optimises your budget to advertise your listings in the places on Etsy where they perform best.

Set up Etsy Ads

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How do I set up Etsy Ads?

To set up Etsy Ads:

  1. On, select Shop Manager. On the Etsy Seller app, select More.
  2. Choose Marketing.
  3. Choose Etsy Ads.
  4. Set your daily budget. This should be the maximum amount you're willing to spend to advertise your items per day. The default minimum daily budget is 1.00 USD. Remember that you can change your budget at any time.
  5. Select Start advertising.

Where will my ads be shown?

When you are advertising your listings through Etsy Ads, we may show your items throughout Etsy. This includes Etsy Search, Category Pages, Market Pages on both and the Etsy app.

When you advertise with Etsy Ads, your listings stand out in Etsy search. This makes it easier to reach buyers with a higher intent to purchase. With Etsy’s data insights and expertise, we optimise your advertising and expand the reach of your ads on Etsy.

How do I set which countries buyers see my ads in?

Your ads will only be shown to buyers in countries that you deliver to.

If you use delivery profiles, here’s how to select the countries you deliver to:

  1. On, select Shop ManagerOn the Etsy Seller app, select More.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Choose Delivery settings.
  4. Select Delivery profiles.
  5. Choose Edit for the profile you want to update.
  6. Add or remove locations.
  7. Select Save Profile.

If you don’t use delivery profiles, learn how to set delivery countries on your listings.

How do I choose which of my listings to advertise?

By default, all your current listings are advertised when you start an Etsy Ads campaign. You can choose to edit or update which listings you want to advertise.

To start or stop advertising a listing:

  1. From Etsy Ads, choose Manage advertised listings.
  2. Find the listing you want to start or stop advertising. You can search through your listings, or filter them by section or advertising status.
  3. Select the button under Ad on/off to include or remove a listing from your Etsy Ads campaign.
  4. To add or remove multiple listings from your campaign at once, check the box next to the listings you want to turn on or off.
  5. Go to Turn Listings: and select On or Off from the dropdown.
  6. Choose Update.

You can change which listings you advertise at any time. Be sure that the listings you advertise follow Etsy’s Advertising and Marketing Policy.

How do I change my daily advertising budget?

You can set your daily budget, which is the maximum amount of what you’ll spend per day on advertising. Your ads budget is only used for ads on Etsy.

To change your daily budget:

  1. From Etsy Ads, select Manage your budget.
  2. Enter your new daily budget.
  3. Choose Update.

What determines the limit for my maximum daily budget?

There is a limit to how high you can set your daily budget. To determine the limit for your maximum daily budget, we take into account how much you spend on average, as well as your current payment status and payment history. We'll increase your maximum daily budget over time if you're consistently spending your full daily budget.

All sellers start with a maximum daily budget of 25.00 USD, and we recalculate this budget on a weekly basis for sellers enrolled in Etsy Payments and on a monthly basis for sellers not enrolled in Etsy Payments. 

If you have advertised in the past, when you restart your campaign, you’ll have the same maximum budget that was in place when you last advertised.

If you notice a drop in your maximum daily budget, it may be because you have an amount due. Paying your amount due will likely raise your maximum budget back up.

What if I want to set a daily budget that is higher than what I’m currently allowed, especially for the Christmas period?

When you first start advertising, you’ll start with a maximum daily budget of 25 USD. This is because we need some time to understand your Etsy Ads spend to determine your maximum daily budget.

If you want to spend above this amount, it’s best to start advertising with your full budget early. This can help raise your maximum daily budget by your desired peak advertising periods. 

How am I charged for Etsy Ads?

With Etsy Ads, you only pay when someone clicks on one of your ads. The amount you pay for depends on how many people click on your ads, and how valuable the place where your ad is shown is. Your cost per click can vary for each listing and each time it appears in search results. Learn more about cost per click.

Your costs per click are summed for each day and added to your Payment account the next day. You’ll never spend over your daily budget. Once you’ve been charged for enough clicks to use up your entire daily budget, we will stop showing your ads on Etsy.

How to view your Etsy Ads charges

Your charges for Etsy Ads are displayed under Spend on your Etsy Ads page. Your Payment account is also updated daily with ads charges so you can see how much you're spending on advertising.

To view ads charges on your Payment account:

  1. On, select Shop ManagerOn the Etsy Seller app, select More.
  2. Choose Finances.
  3. Choose Payment account.
  4. You may see your most recent charges under Recent activities.
  5. To see older ads charges, select View all monthly statements.

How do I use my Etsy Ads Performance graph?

Your Etsy Ads Performance graph shows in-depth details for your Etsy Ads performance over time, and is visible by default. To collapse or expand the graph, select the Hide/Show Graph button.

To adjust the period of time the graph displays, select the dropdown menu next to Your ad stats for, and choose a preset time frame or a custom range of dates to review. We recommend selecting a time frame of at least 30 days for the most accurate insights into performance trends over time.

Learn more about reviewing and optimising your Etsy ads campaign.

How do I turn off Etsy Ads?

You can stop advertising specific listings, or turn off Etsy Ads completely.

To turn off your Etsy Ads campaign:

  1. On, go to your Shop Manager. On the Etsy Seller app, select More.
  2. Select Marketing.
  3. Choose Etsy Ads.
  4. Beneath Show more orders, choose Pause your ads.
  5. Select Turn off ads.

Learn how to turn off Offsite Ads.

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You can use Etsy Ads to advertise your products on Etsy, including in Etsy search results.

By default, all your current listings are advertised when you start an Etsy Ads campaign. When you create a new listing after your ad campaign is active, you can choose if you’d like to add that listing to your campaign. You can choose to edit or update which listings you want to advertise.

To stop advertising a listing:

  1. From Etsy Ads, choose Manage advertised listings.
  2. Uncheck the listings you want to stop advertising.
  3. Select Update.

To change your daily budget:

  1. From Etsy Ads, choose Manage your budget.
  2. Enter your new daily budget.
  3. Select Save changes.

The minimum daily budget is $1.00 USD. The maximum will vary. Learn more.

You’re charged for an ad when it’s clicked. Your costs per click are summed for each day and are typically added to your Payment account the next day. Cost per click is determined by the bid for each particular ad.

For example: Fees for ad clicks on 30th September will be posted on 1st October.

On your Orders page, you’ll see a small megaphone icon if an order was placed as a result of a click on one of your ads.

The item the buyer ordered may not be the same item or ordered on the same day that they clicked on initially. However, the order is attributed to your Etsy Ads campaign since it was that click that brought your buyer to your shop in the first place.

You can stop advertising specific listings, or turn off Etsy Ads completely.

To turn off Etsy Ads completely, go to your Etsy Ads page and select Pause Etsy Ads, then confirm by choosing Turn off ads

You'll know your campaign is off when the Etsy Ads page says Restart your campaign.

All sellers are automatically enrolled in Offsite Ads. Some sellers can choose whether to participate.

The ability to opt-out of Offsite Ads depends on your shop’s sales in the last 365 days:

  • If your Etsy shop made $10,000 USD or more in the past 365 days, you’ll benefit most from offsite advertising. You’ll be required to participate for the lifetime of your shop and you’ll get a discounted advertising fee.
  • If your Etsy shop made less than $10,000 USD in the past 365 days, Offsite Ads are optional. However, if you choose to use this service, you only pay an advertising fee when you make a sale from Offsite Ads. 

We’ll take a look at your sales each month. Your sales funds over the past 365 days are calculated on the first day of each month. When we initially launched Offsite Ads, we evaluated shops' revenue between 20th February 2019 and 19th February 2020 to determine the fee each seller would pay for Offsite Ads (12% or 15%). We’ll reevaluate each shop's revenue on the first of each month moving forward. 

Once your shop has made 10,000 USD or more in a 365 day period, you’ll be required to participate in Offsite Ads. 

You can calculate how much you’ve earned on Etsy in the past 365 days by going to your Stats page in Shop Manager and setting a custom date range. You can learn about how the $10,000 USD threshold is calculated and find information about Offsite Ads fees in the Fees & Payments Policy.

To opt-out of Offsite Ads:

  1. On, choose Shop Manager
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Offsite Ads.
  4. Choose Opt out of Offsite Ads.
  5. Confirm that you want Etsy to Opt out of Offsite Ads.

If you ever want to re-enrol in Offsite Ads, visit the Offsite Ads page and choose Turn on Offsite Ads.

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