Why Aren’t My Targeted Offers Sending to Shoppers?

If you’re worried that your targeted offers aren’t being sent to shoppers, there are a few reasons this might be:

Check your Sales and discounts stats time frame

If you’re looking at your Sales and discounts stats, it defaults to show stats from This month. Change your time frame to All time using the dropdown to see how your offers are performing over the lifetime of your shop.

Check that your coupons haven’t expired

Certain coupons and offers that you send to buyers expire after a specific amount of time: 

  • Abandoned Basket Offers: Offers sent to buyers who have an item from your shop in their basket but have not made a purchase expire 60 days from the coupon’s creation date.

  • Post-purchase thank you coupons: Thank you coupons sent to buyers after they make a purchase from your shop expire 1 year from the coupon’s creation date.

Shoppers can opt out of targeted offers

Some buyers may have opted out to receive this type of discount, so the offer may not send to every buyer who favourites an item or leaves an item in their basket.

When offers for shoppers who favourited my items are sent

Promo codes will be sent to people who favourited something in your shop 48 hours after they favourited that item. 

Shoppers can receive a favourited item offer email from your shop once every 7 days and can receive a max of 6 offers per send. If a buyer favourites an item and then removes that item from their favourites within 48 hrs, they won’t receive an offer email.

When offers for shoppers who added my items to their baskets are sent

Offers will be sent to people who’ve left items from your shop in their basket. These shoppers will get an email offering them a discount for that item 24 hours after they abandoned it in their basket. 

Shoppers can receive an offer email for this item every 2 days and can receive a max of 6 offers per send. If a buyer adds an item to their basket and then removes that item within 24 hrs, they won’t receive an offer email.

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