What Are Sales Reporting Requirements for French Sellers?

Due to EU law, Etsy is required to collect and remit taxpayer information and sales data for shops located in France to the French government. This applies for sellers whose sales meet or exceed one of these thresholds:

  • €2,000 or more in sales, OR 
  • Had 30 or more transactions in the last year

To comply with French legislation, sellers who have a VAT, SIREN, or SIRET number must add it to their Etsy account. If you don't have one of these taxpayer numbers for your Etsy shop, you may need to register your business with the French tax authority.

For more information about these requirements, please consult your local tax authority or a licenced tax professional. This will help ensure that you get the legal and tax advice most relevant to your particular situation.

Information reported to the French government

As EU legislation requires, Etsy provides sellers' sales total for the year and taxpayer information directly to the French tax authorities. We share the details provided on sellers' Legal and tax information page. We may also have to report additional information as required by the French tax authorities from time to time.

Sellers who meet the sales thresholds will be able to download an annual summary in PDF format from their Legal and tax information page. You’re provided with a PDF summary that shows the information we reported to the tax authorities, including:

  • the number of sales you made
  • the total amount of your sales less fees and taxes charged to you in your local currency
  • the fees on your sales as well as the tax collected by Etsy on these fees

If you run multiple Etsy shops:

If you run multiple shops, the sales across all your shops will be combined to determine whether you have met the reporting thresholds. You are required to have the same taxpayer information on each of your shops. If your combined shop totals qualify, you will receive a single annual summary with the combined gross sales totals from your shops.

Format for VAT, SIREN, and SIRET numbers

French VAT numbers are made of 11 characters, and may include alphabetical characters (except O or I) as first or second or first and second characters.

A SIREN number is a 9 digit number.

A SIRET number is made of 14 digits. It includes the first 9 digits of the SIREN number with the following 5 digits as the NIC number (Numéro Interne de Classement).

Learn more about SIREN and SIRET numbers.

How to add a VAT, SIREN, or SIRET number

To add a VAT ID to your account:

  1. On Etsy.com, click Shop Manager.
  2. Click Finances.
  3. Click Legal and tax information.
  4. Click Your Taxpayer ID.
  5. Enter your correct information.
  6. Click Save.

If you enter a taxpayer name and VAT ID that don’t match what you have registered with your local tax authority, you may not be able to save your changes. You will need to contact your local tax department to confirm your correct taxpayer name and VAT ID. European VAT IDs can also be checked on the European Commission website for validity.

To add a SIRET or SIREN number to your account:

  1. On Etsy.com, click Shop Manager.
  2. Click Finances.
  3. Click Legal and tax information.
  4. Click Add info under Additional taxpayer identification.
  5. Select SIREN or SIRET.
  6. Enter your correct information.
  7. Click Save.
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