What is Etsy Remitting to Austrian and Italian Tax Authorities?

Austria and Italy have enacted similar legislation respective to their countries. These laws apply to Austrian and Italian sellers, as well as sellers elsewhere in the EU who have sold to buyers in Austria and Italy. You can read Austria’s legislation and Italy’s legislation.

Etsy is required by laws in Austria and Italy to collect and remit certain taxpayer information and sales data to the respective Austrian and Italian authorities on a regular basis.

For sellers in Austria, we must report details such as gross sales as well as your tax ID number where applicable.

For sellers in Italy, we must report the number of sales as well as the gross sales you’ve received from EU buyers located outside of Italy.

For EU sellers outside of Austria or Italy, we must report the number of sales as well as the gross sales to Austrian and Italian buyers.

Gross sales means the total reportable amount of funds transacted during sales, and includes postage, refunds, card processing fees, tax collected by you, and even cancelled orders.

How do I find the amount Etsy remits?

You can find the sales we report to Austria or Italy by downloading your Orders CSV file.

To use your Orders CSV to see the amounts:

  1. Open Shop Manager.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Options.
  4. Click the Download Data tab.
  5. Select Orders as the type.
  6. Choose the year but leave the month blank.*
  7. Download and open the CSV. 
  8. Look for and sort the Buyer Country column.
  9. Add the Processing Fee and Order Net columns for sales that were completed by buyers in Austria and Italy.

If you have any cancelled orders from Austrian or Italian buyers, you should also count those.

To find your cancelled orders:

  1. Open Shop Manager.
  2. Click Orders & Delivery.
  3. Click the Completed tab.
  4. Select Cancelled under the Completed status on the right.

Etsy doesn’t have a separate summary available for what is reported to the Austrian or Italian tax authorities.

*If you've made a large number of sales during the year, you may want to download each month separately, rather than download the full year.

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