What are Etsy Community Ranks and Badges?

Etsy Community ranks and badges show our community members’ engagement with Etsy's community space and programmes. 

How do I earn ranks and badges?

You can earn ranks by taking actions in the community space, like reading, liking, and replying to posts. Badges are awarded for reaching certain ranks, and for participating in some Etsy programmes.

Ranks can be earned as you engage with different aspects of the Etsy Community. A member’s rank in Etsy’s community space is determined by a number of factors, including but not limited to:

  • How much you’ve read in the community space
  • How many posts you’ve written
  • How often members find your post helpful
  • How often you like other members’ posts

Any activity that violates our Community Policy may not count towards advancing your rank in the community space, including any of the below:

  • Any posts that have been marked as spam 
  • Any posts that appear to be made for the purpose of increasing rank, as they are considered unsolicited promotional content.

How will I know when I gain a new rank or badge?

When you receive a rank or badge, you will receive a notification. Notifications will be sent via email, will appear in the community space as pop-ups on the bottom of the screen, and can also be found in your community space notifications feed. You can manage your badge and rank notifications in your My Settings page.

What ranks can I earn?

Ranks you can earn in the Etsy Community include:

  • Etsy Seller: You have an Etsy shop.
  • Reader: You've read a few threads.
  • Avid Reader: You've read a few more, and liked some posts, too.
  • Community Navigator: You have a track record of reading the Forums and avidly share your appreciation for posts you like.
  • Inspiration Seeker: You posted in the Forums. Thank you for your contribution!
  • Post Crafter: You shared your thoughts and questions a few times.
  • Crafty Poster - You appreciated others and your posts are appreciated too.
  • Conversation Maker: You posted helpful answers to the community’s questions.
  • Community Maker: You reliably answered a lot of the community's questions. People like you help make the Etsy Community what it is.
  • Inspiration Maker: You're an inspiration to others! You've been helping to build the community with your contributions for a long time, and have been a member of our Community for at least two years.

Your rank will appear on your Etsy community profile page and is visible wherever you post content in the space. You and other members can also see ranks and notifications in your respective notification feeds.

Read our Community policies for full details.

Will my rank have an effect on my Etsy shop?

Etsy Community ranks and badges are only applicable to and visible within Etsy’s community space. They do not impact your shop status, your Etsy.com search results, or the Etsy marketplace in any way. 

Will activity from before the community space was launched count for gaining ranks?

Posts made in Forums or Teams before the launch of the community space will generally be counted as a part of your post count, though some posts that have been archived may not be included.

Can my rank go down?

In rare cases, deletion of content from Etsy’s community space may result in a loss of rank for some members. All ranked and badged users must adhere to Etsy’s Community Policy. Violations of Etsy Community Policy may result in a removal of rank or badge and/or suspension from the community space. 

No notifications are provided when a member’s rank is lowered. 

Can I search for other members in the space by rank?

Yes, you can search for specific ranks of members through the Users option in the search bar in the Etsy Community.

What badges can I earn?

Badges are awarded for achieving the ranks of:

  • Crafty Poster
  • Conversation Maker
  • Community Maker
  • Inspiration Maker 

We also award badges for participating in specific Etsy programmes, like being an Etsy U instructor or an Etsy Market host. 

Badges that you’ve been awarded will appear on your community profile and on your My Badges page. 

Can I ever lose a badge?

Once a member has earned a badge, that badge will remain in their collection.

That said, if you violate Community Policy, your status in the community space may change. Etsy also reserves the right to modify or remove badges at its discretion.

Can I search for members by badge?

At this time we are not displaying all recipients of specific badges.

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