You can buy most items on Etsy without creating an account. If you purchased an item as a guest, you can connect that order to an account to receive help for your order or leave a review.
- Open your email inbox.
- Locate the email receipt you received when you placed your order. This email is sent from
- Select View your order.
- Follow the steps to sign in or create an account on
- Once you’ve claimed your order, you can choose that order and contact the seller for help.
If you don’t want to connect an Etsy account to your completed order, reply to the order receipt email if you need to get in touch with the seller. When you don’t create an account, however, you’re unable to leave a review or ask Etsy to step in to help with the order.
I see an error saying that I don’t have permission to access this page
You may be signed in with the incorrect email. Sign out of Etsy on all browsers and devices, then try signing in to the account related to your order.
Nothing happens when I select the link in the email
Make sure you select the link in the order notification email. You won't find a link to connect your order to an Etsy account in other emails you may receive from us, like delivery updates and new message notifications.
I can't find my receipt
If you have trouble finding the receipt for your order, check your spam or junk mail folders to see if it ended up there. You can also search your email inbox for emails from
I still need help
If you're still having trouble connecting your order to your account, reach out to Etsy Support for help.