How to Search for Items and Shops on Etsy

You can use the search bar at the top of to look for items or shops.

How to search for items

Enter descriptive terms in the search bar to start your search. For example: “rustic blue coffee mug”, or “custom charm necklace”.

Search results are ordered by how relevant the items are to what you search for. You can change the order using the Sort by option above the search results.

How to filter results

Above the search results, filter your results by arrival time, Free Delivery, or Price. Choose All Filters, or the filters icon on the Etsy app, to see a full list of ways you can narrow results, such as: 

  • Special offers, like sales
  • Category, like Home & Living or Art & Collectibles
  • Delivery, like free delivery
  • Shop location
  • Item type, either Handmade or Vintage items
  • Colour
  • "Deliver to" country

How to search for items from local sellers

  1. Search for something on
  2. Choose All filters.
  3. Under Shop Location, choose your country, or type in a city, town, state, or country in the Custom field.

On the Etsy app:

  1. Search for something. 
  2. Tap the filters icon. 
  3. Tap Dispatches from.
  4. Choose your country, or type in a city, town, state, or country in the Custom field.

How to search for shops

If you know the name of the shop, enter the exact shop name in the search bar. At the top of search results, choose Did you mean the shop...?

You can also enter this web address in your browser's address bar will also take you to a shop: Replace "shopname" with the actual shop’s name. 

If you know the shop owner’s name, you can search for them using people search.

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