How to Use Google Analytics for Your Etsy Shop

Google Analytics shows the volume of traffic to your website from different traffic sources, and can be configured to show helpful data like what keywords are bringing buyers to your listings. This is a free service available to all Etsy sellers, but it requires a separate account with Google.

You can also track your website's performance by reviewing Stats in the Shop Manager. Learn more about Stats.

Google Analytics is a third-party tracking tool and is not operated by Etsy. If you are having trouble with your Analytics account, please contact Google support 

How to set up a website profile

Create a Google Analytics account if you don’t have one already. Once you have a Google Analytics account, you can set up your website profile:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account and select Admin from the menu.
  2. Select Create Property. Enter your shop’s name in the Property Name field. 
  3. Select your time zone and currency from the dropdown menus.
  4. Enter your industry category and business size in the Business details section. 
  5. Check the boxes next to any business objectives you want to achieve with your analytics, such as driving online sales or raising brand awareness. 
  6. Select Create
  7. Select Web and enter the URL for your Etsy shop in the Website URL field ( 
  8. Enter a name for your data stream, then select Create Stream
  9. Once your web stream is set up, record or copy the Google ID tag under Measurement ID. Your ID will appear in this format: G-XXXXXXXXXX

If you need help configuring your Google Analytics account, please review Google’s support centre.

How to sync your Google Analytics account with your Etsy shop

  1. Sign in to and go to your Shop Manager.
  2. Go to Settings and select Options
  3. Select the Web Analytics tab. 
  4. In the Web Property ID field, enter your Google ID Tag in this format: G-XXXXXXXXXX
  5. Select Save

To view your Analytics data and keyword reports, you must sign in to your Google Analytics account. Since Google Analytics works on a delay, you may not see data in your reports for up to 24 hours.

How to sync your Google Analytics account with your Pattern site

  1. Sign in to your Pattern site and go to Settings
  2. Under Google Analytics, enter your Google ID tag in this format: G-XXXXXXXXXX
  3. Select Connect.

Seller Resources

Find more tips about using Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is a third-party tracking tool. Etsy, Inc. makes no claims, promises, warranties, or guarantees about the accuracy, accessibility, completeness, or adequacy of Google Analytics. Etsy, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility for the use of the service. Support of Google Analytics is provided AS IS and the service may be discontinued at any time, with or without notice. Etsy, Inc. is in no way endorsed by or working in partnership with Google Analytics. You agree that your use of this service will not violate Etsy's Terms of Use or other site policies.

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