How Ads Are Placed in Etsy Search

With Etsy Ads, you can advertise your products in designated search results on Etsy. Learn how to set up an Etsy Ads campaign.

Ads on Etsy work through an auction system. In an ads auction, your listings compete against other listings for an ad spot in Etsy search results. The two main factors that affect your listing’s performance in an auction are:

How likely a buyer is to click on a listing (listing quality)

We give listings a quality score that reflects how likely shoppers are to click on your listing. Many factors determine a listing's quality score, including:

  • Listing and shop history
  • Strong listing titles and tags

To increase how often your listings will win an ads auction, improve your listings with the same methods you use to make them more appealing to shoppers.

Learn more about quality scores and how search works on Etsy.

The bid amount

A bid is the highest amount you'd pay for one click on a particular listing. A higher bid may help you get a better placement. For example, if a listing has a low quality score it may need a higher bid to receive competitive placement. 

You’ll only pay the bid amount if a shopper clicks on your add. 

Here are some factors determine what your bid amount is:

Likelihood of sales

When determining what to bid, we also look at factors about the shopper that may increase the likelihood of a sale for your listings, like their search query, the time of day, and the device they’re using. By considering these factors, Etsy is ensuring that bid amounts on ads reflect the value of being in that ad placement to a seller. 

Relevance to the shopper’s search

When determining the right bid for your listing, we look at how closely your listing’s title or tags match the shopper’s search terms. We also take into account any filters they've applied, so if your listing doesn't ship to the shopper’s location or fall in their selected price range, we won't show it.

Bids can change to keep your ad competitive in a given auction. A bid may be higher or lower, but the goal is always to get your ad the best placement possible at the lowest cost to you. 

Learn how to set a daily budget.

 How listings are ordered in Etsy ad spaces

Once the auction selects the eligible listings, we add them to the designated ad spots within search results. The order that these listings are shown in the designated ad spaces is similar to the process we described above.The bid amount, the relevance of the item to the buyer’s search, and the likelihood of the listing to be clicked are all factors in which listing shows in which spot for each page. 

How do Etsy Ads affect Etsy search?

Etsy Ads in Etsy search only appear in designated ads space. Ads use a different algorithm than results in regular Etsy search or in external search engines.

Why can’t I see my ads on Etsy?

If you’re searching for your own ads but aren’t finding them in search results, keep in mind this doesn’t indicate an issue with your ads. In fact, it’s common to search on Etsy and not see your own ads displayed. Since the likelihood of sales is one of the driving factors in how ads are placed, we may not show you your ads when you are searching for them, because there may be a lower likelihood that you would purchase your ad compared to other listings.

For the most accurate insights into how your ads are performing, it’s easier to check your Etsy Ads stats, rather than running your own searches.


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