Why Did Etsy Email Me About My Shop Being Deactivated?

Etsy is sending emails with the subject line “Sign in to keep your Etsy shop open” to some sellers with shops that are approaching four or more years of inactivity. Upon receiving the first email, you will have 90 days to log in to your shop to keep it active.

If after 90 days you still do not log in, your shop will be permanently suspended. You’ll be sent several reminder emails during this period to make sure you have the opportunity to log in and keep your shop active. 

Following your shop’s suspension, you can still use the Etsy account linked to the suspended shop to make purchases on Etsy. If you want to keep selling on Etsy, you’ll need to create a new account and go through the onboarding process again.  

Etsy will email you from mail@etsy.com. We’ll never ask you to reply to an email with your password.

What do I need to do to keep my shop active? 

Once you receive an email from Etsy telling you that your shop is scheduled to be deactivated, all you need to do is sign in to the Etsy account connected to your shop by the date listed in the email. Once you do this, no further action will be required to keep your shop active. 

If you don’t want to keep your Etsy shop active, feel free to ignore the emails telling you to log in to your account. Once a shop is deactivated, this action is permanent and can’t be undone by Etsy support. 

Why is Etsy closing inactive shops? 

Keeping the marketplace safe for buyers and sellers is very important to Etsy. Inactive shops are often targets for scammers and fraudsters, which puts the account owner’s payment and personal information at risk. 

However, Etsy also understands that many sellers operate seasonally and may not frequently log into their shops over the year. With that in mind, only shops that have been inactive for four or more years—or shops that are close to reaching that threshold—will receive emails warning them that their account is scheduled for deactivation.

When will Etsy email me about my shop being deactivated due to inactivity? 

Etsy sends out emails warning account owners that their inactive shops are at risk of being deactivated on the following schedule: 

  • 90 days before shop closure: Initial notice email 
    • Subject line: “Sign in to keep your Etsy shop open”

  • 30 days before shop closure: First reminder email 
    • Subject line: “Reminder: Sign in to keep your Etsy shop open”

  • 14 days before shop closure: Final notice email 
    • Subject line: “We’ll have to close your shop if you don’t sign in soon”

  • Once shop closure action is taken: Closure confirmation email
    • Subject line: “We’ve closed your Etsy shop since your account was inactive” 

Remember that these will always be sent from mail@etsy.com and will not ask you for personal information or passwords. The only action these emails will ask of you is to sign in to your account, or review our account security checklist if your shop has been closed. 


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