How to Deactivate a Listing

If you no longer sell an item, you can deactivate the listing in your shop. Deactivating listings removes them from your shop page, and buyers can no longer buy them. However, the listing still exists in your Shop Manager and you can reactivate it. 

If you’d like to remove a listing from your shop permanently, you can delete it

To deactivate your listing:

  1. On, click the Shop Manager icon.
  2. Click Listings.
  3. Check the listing(s) you want to deactivate.
  4. Click Deactivate at the top of the page.

You can see your inactive listings from your Listings page by selecting Inactive under Listing status.

How to reactivate a listing

To reactivate a listing:

  1. On, click the Shop Manager icon.
  2. Click Listings.
  3. Select Inactive under Listing status.
  4. Check the listing(s) you want to reactivate.
  5. Click Activate at the top of the page.

Deactivating a listing doesn't affect its four month listing period. If your item expires while it’s inactive, you’ll be asked to renew the item for a $0.20 USD fee before you can reactivate it.

There’s no fee for reactivating a listing that hasn't expired.

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