You must list all of the people involved in your shop in your About section, along with the roles each shop member plays in your business.
Your shop members are different from your production partners if you work with any.
To add shop member information:
- On, go to your Shop Manager.
- Select the pencil icon next to your shop name under Sales Channels.
- Scroll to the About section.
- Under Shop Members, select Add a personal bio with some fun facts about yourself.
- Select Choose a file to upload a photograph of the shop member. Photos must be a .jpg or .png file, and at least 200px by 200px.
- Add the member’s name.
- Select the member’s role from the dropdown menu. If a particular shop member has more than one role, you can add them as well.
- Add any information you want buyers to know about the shop member, with a maximum of 250 characters.
What roles can I assign shop members?
Choose from the following preset roles:
- Owner: You and anyone else you consider to be an owner of your Etsy shop. The owner must also be the seller and must also be making and/or designing items sold as handmade. Under Etsy's Terms of Use, the owner is responsible for any activity on the account.
- Assistant: A full time, part-time, or seasonal helper who assists with making your items or managing your shop. If you hire third-party freelance workers to help with administrative tasks, please read our policies for Freelance Administrative Help.
- Maker: Anyone within your business who has a role in the physical creation of your items. This is different from a production partner, which is outlined in Etsy's Creativity Standards.
- Curator: Someone who selects the products you carry. This role applies to vintage or craft supply shops only.
- Customer Service: A person who helps the shop owner communicate with buyers and provide excellent and prompt customer service. Please note that the shop owner must continue to participate in the running of the shop in an active role. You can read more about providing excellent customer service in our Seller Policy.
- Designer: A seller who has come up with an original design, pattern, sketch, template, prototype, or plan to be produced by in-house shop members or a production partner. A designer must have a vital role in the running of a handmade Etsy shop. If you are using production assistance, you, the seller, must be the designer of those items. Please note that if someone outside of your business helps physically produce the items you design, you must disclose this on all applicable listings. See our Manufacturing Policy for more information.
- Marketer: A person who works with you to promote your Etsy shop and items in different channels.
- Photographer: A person who photographs your items to create the images you use in your shop and listings.
- Shipper: A person who helps pack your sold orders and ship them out to buyers.
You can also create custom roles using the box below the preset roles.
When filling out this page, you must follow Etsy's policies regarding shops with multiple people involved.
Please review Etsy’s Creativity Standards for more information.
Account Security
Etsy does not recommend sharing passwords with anyone. If you share your login information with freelance assistants, you do so at your own risk. Sharing your login information may make security measures such as Two-Factor Authentication impossible to use.
Anybody with your password can view any information in your account and make changes. You remain responsible for all activity on your account per our Terms of Use.
If you believe your account has been compromised, read our Help Center article on what to do if you suspect Fraud in your Etsy account.