Providing Your Full Name for Etsy Payments Deposits

Etsy is asking sellers who accept Etsy Payments to provide their full name if they don’t already have a first and last name on file.

If this applies to you, and you haven’t updated your account yet, you may currently be unable to receive deposits from Etsy. You’ll need to update your banking information on file, and your account should be updated by the next business day.

How to confirm full name

We ask that you enter your full name along with your Etsy Payments bank information for confirmation.

The full name you enter must match your shop’s bank account information, but this can be different from your seller or shop manager’s name.

If the bank account name is a business instead of a person, enter the full business name along with a business entity. Some common business entities: Ltd., AB, LP

If the business name is only one word and you are a sole proprietor, the account name should be the owner's full name "d/b/a/" business name.

If you have any issues entering your full name, please contact Etsy Support.

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