The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a series of European Union (EU) regulations around the right to data deletion and access.
If you have an Etsy shop and sell to EU buyers, you may need to:
- Create your own GDPR-compliant privacy policy in your Etsy shop policies for buyers to read and understand. Learn more about setting your own privacy policy.
- If you’re storing or using a buyer’s information outside of Etsy (for example, an email address for a newsletter) you must follow applicable rules on being transparent with how you use this information for things like analytics, marketing, or sharing with third parties.
- If the buyer asks that you stop using their personal information for any of the reasons you outlined, you must do so.
Consider consulting with a lawyer for guidance on how these regulations could directly affect you. Learn more about privacy policies in our House Rules.
Learn how to download your Etsy account or shop data.