How Do I Follow EU Law Regarding Returns and Refunds?

The EU Omnibus Directive law, designed to protect consumers in the EU or EEA who shop online, requires some sellers to offer a minimum 14-day return and refund policy, also known as a “right of withdrawal” to orders shipping to the EU. These sellers are also required to display information to EU or EEA buyers, such as their business registration number and business address in their public pages.

We urge Etsy shops to understand whether the law applies to you and update your shop policies and facilitate returns as needed to comply with EU law.

Learn more about selling to EU buyers and “right to withdraw” in our House Rules.

Etsy Support cannot help you decide if you need to comply or are in compliance with the EU Omnibus Directive. Consult with a local legal professional if you have further questions. This article is for informational purposes only and isn't intended as legal advice. The reader assumes all responsibility for any and all use of this information. This page may be updated periodically.

How do I know if I need to comply with the EU Omnibus Directive?

The EU Omnibus Directive applies to professional sellers (also known as “traders”) that ship orders to the EU or EEA. This may apply to you if you enrolled as a “business” seller or are an incorporated business on Etsy. Sellers who enroll as a business have registered their business as a legal entity within their local jurisdiction and have documents of registration.

Enrolling as a “business,” as opposed to an “individual” or “sole proprietorship,” is a part of the process of enrolling in Etsy Payments. Learn more about enrolling as an individual, sole proprietorship, or business.

This regulation excludes made-to-order and customized items, digital items, certain perishable goods, and goods that can’t be reused for health or hygiene reasons and are unsealed after delivery. Learn more about what items are excluded.

Declaring yourself as a private seller, even though you are acting as a business, is misleading to potential consumers and violates Etsy policies and consumer protection law.

Consult with a local legal professional if you’re unsure whether the EU Omnibus Directive applies to your business.

How do I comply with the EU Omnibus Directive?

If you determine you need to comply with the EU Omnibus Directive, you may be required to offer a minimum 14-day return and refund policy on orders shipping to the EU or EEA depending on the types of items you sell. Learn how to update your shop policies.

You’re not obligated by law to offer buyers free return shipping, unless you previously agreed to do so, but be sure to facilitate returns with your EU or EEA customers as needed.

If you are registered as a professional seller on Etsy, Etsy will assume you’re a trader and automatically display your business information on your listings to visitors who indicate they’re located in the EU.

If this law doesn’t apply to your shop, you can change your trader status:

  1. Sign in and go to Shop Manager.
  2. Choose your shop under Sales Channels.
  3. Under Seller Details, select Edit next to Status. 
  4. Be sure to Save.

What information will be displayed to EU buyers?

The EU Omnibus Directive requires trader status and business information to be displayed to EU buyers in a clear and comprehensible manner. For any seller with business or trader status, the following information will be shown in your shop details and in all your listings:

  • Trader status (if applicable)
  • Your business registration number
  • The business’s location
  • The business’s address (only if it’s different from your personal home address)

This information is pulled from your Legal and tax information. Learn how to update this.

You should add any additional information required by local laws to an open Other details field in your Seller details section. You can add this by editing your public shop. 

To add your Other details

  1. On, go to Shop Manager.
  2. Select your shop under Sales Channels.
  3. Scroll to the Seller details section.
  4. Select Add more details for buyers.
  5. Enter the details you want to share.
  6. Choose Save.

What if I don’t want to sell into the EU?

You can choose whether or not to ship to the EU in your shipping profile settings. The EU Omnibus Directive only applies if you sell to EU buyers. Learn how to change your shipping settings.

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