Working with Production Partners on Etsy

A production partner is a company or individual (who’s not part of your Etsy shop) that helps physically produce items based on your own, original designs, such as a printing service, an apparel producer, an engraver, etc.

Some reasons that you might work with a production partner may include:

  • You don’t have the equipment or technical ability to manufacture items you have designed. You might use a production partner to directly manufacture your design from start to finish, or print, embroider or apply your design onto commercial blanks in a print-on-demand format.

  • Your business is growing, and you need help keeping up with the quantity of orders that you are receiving, or you’ve outgrown your current production space.

A production partner does not need to be local to you, and may be any size business, ranging from one individual crafter, to a large-scale automated manufacturing facility. 

Items produced with a production partner must abide by Etsy’s Creativity Standards. We require sellers using production assistance to transparently share this information on the applicable listings. Buyers can see information about any production partners you work with from your shop’s About section.

Learn more about Etsy’s ethical expectations for sellers who work with production partners.

How to add a production partner

There are several ways to add a production partner:

You can also create production partner profiles in the production partner manager:

  1. In Shop Manager, choose Settings.
  2. Select Partners you work with.
  3. Select Add a new production partner and fill out a form telling Etsy and the community about your partnership. The information not marked Private will be shared publicly in your shop.
  4. Next to Production partner, enter your partner’s business name. Etsy requires that you disclose the business name, but you can choose to keep this private in your shop. In that case, you will enter a public title (such as “Apparel printer”) that describes what kind of business they are.
  5. In the Location field, Enter your partner’s city, state, province, etc. As you type, select from the list that appears.
  6. In the About production partner field, describe how you work with them. This public information can include why you chose this partner and the types of services that they provide for you.
  7. The answers you select in the About your partnership dropdown menus are only for Etsy’s internal use. These won’t show up publicly in your shop or listings, but your partner's location and the description of your production partner will.
  8. Preview how this will look on your shop’s About Section.
  9. Select Save partner

How to remove or edit a production partner from your listings

You can edit or remove a production partner in several ways:

  • Select the listing(s) you want to edit from the Listings page. Choose Editing options, then Change production partners. De-select the partner and choose Update.
  • In the Production partners manager, choose Edit or the X near the name of the partner. These changes will automatically be reflected on all linked listings.

On the Etsy Seller app, production partner profiles can only be edited while adding or editing a listing. You can access the other editing tools on a computer or mobile web browser.

If the listing editor requires you to add a production partner but you don’t have one, review Etsy’s Seller Policy to make sure that your items meet our guidelines.

Production partners only apply to items that you have designed, or that you have sourced and the buyer has customized. Production partners don’t apply to items that you or your shop members physically make.

After you disclose your production partners

In order to make sure that your items and shipping details are accurately represented to buyers:

  • Update your listings’ shipping locations to accurately reflect if they are shipping from a production partner’s location.
  • Fill out your shop’s About Section to tell the story of how you design and create your items.
  • Be sure to see our Listing Image Requirements for more information.
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