I'm Having a Technical Problem with My Shop Finances

If you’re having a technical problem with your shop finances, check these common issues:

Sales tax isn’t appearing in my payment account or CSV file

Sales tax remitted by Etsy isn’t currently shown in your Payment Account. The line for an order with sales tax collected will appear as the line for the order, and the total sales funds will be the order price minus sales tax collected. 

Many US states require that Etsy collect sales tax on items shipped to that state. 

If your item was shipped to one of these states, Etsy collected sales tax on your behalf, regardless of your location. 

You can see the sales tax for an order on the order receipt.

No sales tax was charged for my order for a state where Etsy remits

Many US states require that Etsy collect sales tax on items shipped to that state. If you believe an items should have been charged sales tax, but wasn’t, it’s possible that the item is miscategorized. 

If this is the case, Etsy is responsible and will pay the difference if we over or under paid sales tax on your behalf. Check your listing’s categories to ensure that it is categorized correctly.

Buyers are saying they can’t checkout from my shop

If buyers are having trouble checking out, ask them to review the billing and shipping information they entered and check that it’s correct. 

If their information is correct, please direct them to contact their bank or card issuer.

My deposit hasn’t been sent out

If you’re not receiving a deposit after making a sale with Etsy Payments, learn what to do.

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