My Deposit was Sent, But I Haven't Received it

Quick answer

If you're unsure if your bank has received a deposit from your sales made on Etsy, contact your bank's customer service number and ask to speak to a manager or supervisor. They may be able to provide more information about the status of your deposit than Etsy Support can. 

If you have gotten confirmation that a deposit has been sent from Etsy’s payment processors, but you still have not received your funds in your bank account, there are a few possible reasons the deposit hasn’t gone through:

  • Your bank account information was not correct at the time of deposit 
  • The funds in your bank account are in a different currency from the deposit
  • Your bank is experiencing an issue processing the payment to your account

If you have not yet received confirmation that your deposit has been sent, please see these common troubleshooting scenarios

Where can I see if my deposit has been sent? 

You will receive an email from Etsy when a deposit has been sent to your bank account. You can also see the deposit listed as a line item in your Payment account. 

The payment may be displayed in your bank account as being sent from one of our payment processors, such as WorldPay, Envoy, Stichting Custodian, Adyen, etc. 

To see the status of your deposit: 

  1. On, go to your Shop Manager 
  2. Choose Finances 
  3. Choose Payment account
  4. Select the month where the deposit was sent 
  5. Confirm that the deposit is listed as a line item on your statement

What do I do if my deposit was sent, but it isn’t in my bank account? 

Deposits can take up to 3-5 business days to appear in your account. Issues such as international bank holidays may also impact the speed of your deposit. 

If a deposit is listed in your Payment account but you still have not received it after a reasonable amount of time, it’s possible that the bank has the funds and will need to send them back to Etsy. 

If your bank cannot resolve this for you after 90 days, please contact Etsy Support so we can launch an investigation with our payment processor. Be aware that we can’t guarantee that we will be able to recover the funds from your bank.

Etsy does not have control over when your bank releases your deposit, so Etsy Support will not be able to return your funds to you sooner. The time frame for such returns can vary greatly by bank, ranging from a few days to several months for your funds to be sent back to your Payment account. 

How does Etsy investigate missing funds? 

To initiate an investigation with our payment processor, Etsy requires a signed letter from your bank confirming that the funds in question were never received that includes the following details: 

  • The full name of the account holder
  • The type of currency of the bank account
  • The last 4 digits of the bank account

With a signed letter from your bank containing the above mentioned details, Etsy can obtain proof of payment from our payment processors which is usually sufficient for your bank to locate the funds in their system. It often takes at least 5 business days to obtain proof of your deposit on your behalf, though be aware that it can take longer.

If your bank is unable to use the proof of payment to locate your funds, our payment processor can attempt to trace the deposits for an additional cost. A trace is a thorough investigation where the payment processor works with your bank to try and confirm if your bank has received the funds. This can take at least 21 business days, though it may take longer. The trace does not guarantee that the deposit will be located or returned to us. We will let you know the outcome of the trace request as soon as we can.

If your bank doesn’t cooperate with our investigation or does not respond to our inquiries, we cannot assist further and you will need to contact your bank for a solution. We will let you know if your bank fails to respond to our investigation.

How will I know my missing funds have been sent to me after being returned by my bank? 

If the deposit is returned, you’ll see a credit reflecting the relevant funds in your Payment account. You’ll also receive an email notification from Etsy requiring you to update your bank information.

After updating and verifying your bank information, funds will not be available for deposit for 5 days to protect your account from possible misuse.

Once the 5-day hold has lifted, your funds will be disbursed according to the schedule you have selected for your payment account. You can also select Request it now in your payment account to deposit the funds into your bank account.

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